1 At the Nats' game |
2 With Papa at Nats' stadium |
3 Grandma and the girls |
4 Eliza's birthday cookies for Henry and Mason |
5 Alex's cookies |
6 On Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn |
7 Walking the Ave |
8 At Mason's party |
9 Aven partying |
10 Fearsome fivesome |
11 Mason and Aven |
12 Yucky lizard! |
13 Pet the lizard |
14 Henry and Liz |
15 Alex and the lizard |
16 Mason and the rat |
17 Alex and Grandma Rene |
18 Henry's rat time |
19 Mason the snakehead |
20 Cool snake |
21 Mason and the tortoise |
22 Alex at Mason's party |
23 The parents of the birthday boy |
24 Henry and Eliza with their creations |
25 Cousins at the birthday table |
26 The Kozzes |
27 Alex and Eliza |
28 Family portrait |
29 Let her eat cake! |
30 Not so neatly |
31 F.O.F. |
32 The Queen Mary 2 |
33 First lacrosse stick |
34 UNC, Class of '33 |
35 Eliza and Aven |
36 Kission accomplished |
37 The cousins |
38 Cousins' portrait |
39 136 E. 28th Street, Shipbottom, NJ |
40 A living room with a view |
41 Tormenting the Hartmans |
42 Grandma's birthday cake |
43 Cousins Shana and Clara come to visit |
44 On the couch |
45 All the girls |
46 Four out of five grandkids |
47 More couch time |
48 Eliza fishing |
49 Mason netting |
50 Henry at the fishing spot |
51 Mason netting some fish |
52 Family golf team |
53 The diggers |
54 The construction team |
55 Brynn and Alex |
56 The birds that took Alex's lunch |
57 Alex and Eliza |
58 All five cousins |
59 First LBI family portrait, 2013 |
60 Alex pseudo-surfing |
61 Aven and Mason |
62 Aven and Mason |
63 Alex |
64 Playing bocce on the beach |
65 Dan and Alex |
66 Alli and Brynn |
67 Mason posing |
68 Brynn at the beach |
69 Laurie beaching |
70 Eliza |
71 Alli and Brynn |
72 Lacrosse ace |
73 Bocce twins |
74 The cousins |
75 Monte relaxing |
76 Alli and number 3 |
77 Eliza |
78 Laurie |
79 Alli |
80 Alex, Brynn, and Alli exiting the beach |
81 Monte and Alex |
82 Monte and Eliza |
83 Couch potato team |
84 The famous mermaid table |
85 Mason and Eliza |
86 Henry and Alex |
87 Monte and Aven |
88 Daddy's girl |
89 The original four |
90 Same four |
91 At Henry's party |
92 Henry the eighth |
93 Party table |
94 Henry's beach cake |
95 Aven cooling it |
96 Playing with the girls |
97 Howard and Mason apres surf |
98 Helping with the board |
99 Scooter man |
100 Doing wheelies |
101 Street kid |
102 The diggers |
103 Henry airborne |
104 Mason takes some air |
105 Alex springs eternal |
106 Alex in midflight |
107 Eliza leaping |
108 All four flyers |
109 Alex splitting |
110 Alex airborne |
111 Eliza in mid-air |
112 One point landing |
113 Mason - the joy of flying |
114 Henry jumping |
115 Sandy landing |
116 Alex leaping |
117 Oh the sheer joy of it! |
118 Tubers in the "Lazy River" |
119 Tubists |
120 Alex in flight |
121 Eliza landing |
122 The boy tubers |
123 Official LBI summer portrait, 2013 |
124 The Kozzes' portrait |
125 Kozzes, take two |
126 The Manns |
127 Alex and Eliza |
128 Alex and Eliza, benched |
129 Laurie and her girls |
130 Monte and Laurie |
131 Shira |
132 Alex |
133 Mason on the beach |
134 Aven getting screened |
135 Lifeguard work |
136 Going for a ride |
137 Fantasy Island prizes |
138 Laurie and Aven |
139 On the rides |
140 Matt in full dudgeon |
141 What's this down here? |
142 Hey, it's my belly button! |
143 The girls at Fantasy Island |
144 The girls |
145 Practicing splits |
146 I'm just so limber! |
147 Yummy shoe |
148 Delicious |
149 Aven and Papa |
150 Howard, Alex, Henry |
151 Matt, Laurie, Eliza |
152 Eliza, Laurie, Matt |
153 Alex and Henry on the ferris wheel |
154 Alex on the ferris wheel |
155 Riding the wheel |
156 I see them up there |
157 Matt, Laurie, Eliza |
158 Howard, Alex, Henry |
159 Grandma and Alex |
160 Grandma and Eliza |
161 The girls |
162 Oy vey! |
163 Shira and Aven |
164 Shira and Aven |
165 The Pebbles look |
166 Eliza and Aven |
167 Howard and Shira |
168 Aven's first ponytail |
169 The Kozzes at the beach |
170 Yo! Look at dis! |
171 Tyler, Cooper, Eliza, and Alex |
172 Brynn's request to (Big) Alex |
173 Rene on the beach |
174 On the way home |
175 The almost-house next door |
176 Alex and Mike |
177 In the living room |
178 Tormenting the Hartmans |
179 Traditional Hartman beach sport |
180 Alex, Rene, Eliza on the beach |
181 Grandma and Alex |
182 Eliza, Rene, Alex, Lou |
183 Alex self-portrait |
184 Eliza, Clara, Alex |
185 Mason and Aven |
186 Shira and Aven |
187 Shira, Laurie, Monte, Barry |
188 Shira and her boys |
189 Henry, Shira, Mason |
190 Lou and Schwester Sue |
191 Monte, the Prince of Schlep |
192 Clara |
193 Clara |
194 Clara |
195 Clara |
196 Buncha cousins |
197 Groovin' in Brooklyn |
198 Henry bowling |
199 Mason bowling |
200 Henry |
201 Mason |
202 Henry follow through |
203 At Henry's 8th BD party |
204 Cupcake casualty |
205 The Kozzes at Hen's BD party |
206 Mason |
207 Henry soccer |
208 Henry |
209 Henry in action |
210 Henry |
211 Henry |
212 Henry |
213 Henry |
214 Henry |
215 Mason netted |
216 Aven in the tub |